Shui De An Capsules


Discount: $14.00 each when you buy 2 or more

It supports the health and function of the nervous system.
It promotes healthful sleeping patterns.
It aids in maintaining the health of the blood and the heart.

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*Change in packaging, formula and quantity*

Shui De An Capsules

Distributed by Solstice Medicine Company, GMP Certifiied
60 Capsules

Herbal specialists in the Guandong province have performed thorough investigations and scientific analyses on this formula. They are carefully prepared herbs and were developed into capsule form.

This product is developed from specific Chinese herbs, processed for use in maintaining the health of the nervous system. In clinical test, the product has proven to be highly effective in promoting healthful sleep. Favorable results mat be seen in about a week, but in some cases, results may be seen in as little as 1-2 days, or as long as 2-3 weeks. This product is effective for a long time. It can be withdrawn after a short periods of use and still maintain its effect in supporting healthful sleeping patterns.*


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Namemg
Shang ShenWhite MulberryFructus Mori130
Ren ShenGinseng RootRadix Ginseng65
Suan Zao RenWild Jujube SeedSemen Zizyphi Spinosae174
Bai Zi RenArborvitae SeedSemen Biotae 85
Fu LingPoria, TuckahoePoriae Cocos85
Dan ShenRed Sage Root, SalviaRadix Salviae Militiorrhizae85
Zhi MuAnemarrhena RhizomeRhizoma Anemarrhenae66
Mai DongOphiopogon Root, Dwarf-Lilyturf Root Radix Ophiopogonis66
Wu Wei ZiSchisandra fruitFructus Schisandrae72
Bai ZhuWhite AtractylodesWhite Atractylodes72
Gan CaoLicorice RootGlycyrrhiza Uralensis60
Yuan ZhiPolygala RootRadix Polygalae40
Other ingredients:Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (vegetarian caspule)

Clinical tests have shown this product to have three advantages, as follows:
It supports the health and function of the nervous system.
It promotes healthful sleeping patterns.
It aids in maintaining the health of the blood and the heart.

Insomnia, anxiety

Take 2 capsules with warm water before bedtime.
1 bottle = 1 month supply

Discount: $14.00 each when you buy 2 or more


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.