Gastrodia Tuber Combo – Tian Ma Tou Tong Wan


Discount: $6.50 each when you buy 2 or more

Nourish blood, disperse wind, relieve mental uneasiness, providing nutrition to hair.

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Gastrodia Tuber Combo

Tian Ma Tou Tong Wan

Anguo TianXiaKang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Hebei China

300 mg – 100 Pills

Tien Ma Tou Tong Wan supports the health of the brain and the nervous system.


Chinese Pin YinCommon NameLatin Name
Bai Zi Dahurian Angelica RootRadix Angelicae Dahuricae
Ru XiangFrankincenseOlibanum
Chuan XiongChuanxiong Rhizome, Szechuan LovageRadix Ligustici Wallichii
Dang GuiAngelicae RootRadix Angelicae
Tien MaGastrodia TuberRhizoma Gastrodiae
Jing JieSchizonepetaHerba Seu Flos Schizonepetae
Other Ingredients:Honey, Corn Starch FD&C Red No 4.

Nourish blood, disperse wind, relieve mental uneasiness, providing nutrition to hair.

Dizziness, hemialgia, headache, migraine, neurasthenia, insomnia, mental depression, numbness in the extremities, white hair, and hair loss at early stage.

Take 6 pills, 3 times a day.

Discount: $6.50 each when you buy 2 or more

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.