Ricepaper Pith (Tongcao)

Ricepaper Pith (Tongcao)

Pharmaceutical Name: Medulla tetrapanacis
Botanical Name: Tetrapanax papyriferus (Hook.) K. Koch
Common Name:Ricepaper Pith
Source of Earliest Record: Bencao Shiyi
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The stems are gathered in autumn, cut into pieces and the bark is removed. The stems are dried in the sun and cut into slices.
Properties and Taste: Sweet or no taste and slightly cold
Meridian: Lung and stomach
Functions: To clear heat and promote water metabolism
To promote lactation
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Damp-heat in the urinary bladder manifested as dysuria, painful urination, frequent urination and urgency of micturition. 
*Use with herbs that transform damp and clear heat, such as Talc (Huashi) and Plantain seed (Cheqianzi).

2.  Insufficient lactation.
*Use with Vaccaria seed (Wangbuliuxing) and Pangolin seed (Chuanshanjia), or cook Ricepaper pith (Tongcao) with pig’s feet.
Dosage: 2-5 g
Cautions: This herb should be used with caution during pregnancy.