Prepared Rehmannia Root (Shudihuang)

Prepared Rehmannia Root (Shudihuang)

Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Rehmanniae Preparata
Botanical Name: Rehmannia Gultinosa Libosch.
Common Name:Prepared Rehmannia Root
Source of Earliest Record: Bencao Tujing
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The rehmannia roots are prepared with wine, Amomum fruit (Sharen) and Tangerine peel (Chenpi). The roots are steamed and dried in the sun several times until they become black, soft, and sticky; then they are cut into slices.
Properties and Taste: Sweet and slightly warm
Meridian: Liver and kidney
Functions: To nourish blood and replenish yin
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Deficient blood syndrome manifested as sallow complexion, dizziness, vertigo, palpitation, insomnia, irregular menstruation and uterine bleeding.
*Use with Chinese angelica root (Danggui) and White peony root (Baishao) in the formula Siwu Tang.

2. Deficient kidney syndrome manifested as afternoon fever, night sweating, nocturnal emissions, diabetes, dizziness and blurred vision.
*Use with Dogwood fruit (Shanzhuyu) and Dioscorea (Shanyao) in the formula Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

3.   Deficient yin and excessive fire syndrome manifested as afternoon fever, feverish sensation on the palms, soles and in the chest, night sweating, nocturnal emissions, red tongue proper with scanty coating and thready, rolling and rapid pulse.
*Use with Tortoise plastron (Guiban), Anemarrhena rhizome (Zhimu) and Phellodendron bark (Huangbai) in the formula Zhi Bai Dihuang Wan.
Dosage: 10-30 g
Cautions: This herb is contraindicated in cases with qi stagnation and profuse phlegm, with epigastric and abdominal distension and pain, and with poor appetite and diarrhea.