Oriental Wormwood (Yinchenhao)

Oriental Wormwood (Yinchenhao)

Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Artemisiae Scopariae
Botanical Name: Artemisia capillaries Thunb.
Artemisia scoparia Waldst. Et Kit.
Common Name:Capillaris
Oriental wormwood
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The young shoots are gathered in spring, when they are three inches high, and then dried in the sun.
Properties and Taste: Bitter and slightly cold
Meridian: Spleen, stomach, liver and gall bladder
Functions: To clear heat and transform dampness
To relieve jaundice
Indications and Combinations: Jaundice:
a)      Damp-heat yang jaundice.
*Use with Capejasmine (Zhizi) and Rhubarb (Dahuang) in the formula Yinchenhao Tang.

b) Cold-damp yin jaundice.
*Use with Prepared aconite root (Fuzi) and Dried ginger (Ganjiang) in the formula Yinchen Sini Tang.
Dosage: 10-30 g