Omphalia (Leiwan)

Omphalia (Leiwan)

Pharmaceutical Name: Omphalia
Botanical Name: Omphalia lapidescens Schroet.
Common Name:Omphalia
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The fungus is gathered in spring, autumn and winter. It is cleaned, dried in the sun and, finally, pounded into powder. It is also made into pill form.
Properties and Taste: Bitter, cold and slightly toxic
Meridian: Stomach and large intestine
Functions: To kill parasites
Indications and Combinations: Hookworm and roundworm.
*Use with Areca seed (Binglang) and Chinaberry bark (Kulianpi).
Dosage: 6-15 g