Mantis Egg Case (Sangpiaoxiao)

Mantis Egg Case (Sangpiaoxiao)

Pharmaceutical Name: Ootheca Mantidis
Botanical Name: Tenodera sinensis Saussure
Statilia maculata (Thunb.)
Hierodula patellifera (Serville)
Common Name:Mantis Egg Case 
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The egg case is collected in late autumn or spring, and then boiled or steamed and dried in the sun.
Properties and Taste: Sweet, salty and neutral
Meridian: Liver and kidney
Functions: To tonify the kidneys and strengthen yang
To control essence and decrease urination
Indications and Combinations: Deficient yang of the kidneys manifested as seminal emissions, nocturnal enuresis or leukorrhea. 
*Use with Dragon’s bone (Longgu), Oyster shell (Muli), Dadder seed (Tusizi) and Psoralea fruit (Buguzhi).
Dosage: 3-10 g
Cautions: This substance is contraindicated in cases with deficient yin with excessive fire, or heat in the urinary bladder with frequent urine.