Chinese Rose Flower (Yuejihua)

Chinese Rose Flower (Yuejihua)

Pharmaceutical Name: Flos Rosae Chinensis
Botanical Name: Rosa Chinensis Jacq.
Common Name:Chinese Rose Flower
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The flower buds are gathered in June or July in fair weather. Then the buds are opened and dried in the shade.
Properties and Taste: Sweet and warm
Meridian: Liver
Functions: To invigorate blood and regulate menstruation
To reduce swelling
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Qi and blood stagnation in the liver manifested as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea.
*Use with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Red sage root (Danshen) Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu).

2.  Scrofula and swellings.
*Use with Prunella spike (Xiakucao), Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu) and Oyster shell (Muli).
Dosage: 3-6 g
Cautions:Excessive use of this herb may cause diarrhea. It should be used with caution in cases with weakness of the spleen and stomach. It is also contraindicated during pregnancy.