Polygala Root (Yuanzhi)

Polygala Root (Yuanzhi)

Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Polygalae
Botanical Name: Polygala tenuifolia Willd.
Polygala Sibirica L.
Common Name:Polygala root
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The roots are dug in the spring or autumn. After the fibrous roots have been removed, the roots are cleaned in water and dried in the sun.
Properties and Taste: Pungent, bitter and slightly warm
Meridian: Lung and heart
Functions: To calm the heart and soothe the mind
To resolve phlegm and clear the orifices (sense organs)
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Insomnia and forgetfulness.
*Use with Ginseng (Renshen) and Grass-leaved sweetflag (Shichangpu) in the formula Buwang San.

2. Palpitations and restlessness.
*Use with Wild jujube seed (Suanzaoren) and Dragon's bone (Longgu). 

3.   Turbid phlegm disturbing the heart manifested as mental disorders and unconsciousness.
*Use with Grass-leaved sweetflag (Shichangpu) and Curcuma root (Yujin).

4.     Cough with excessive thick sputum or sputum that is difficult to expectorate.
*Use with Apricot seed (Xingren), Platycodon root (Jiegeng) and Licorice root (Gancao).
Dosage: 3-10 g
Cautions: This herb should be used with caution in cases with gastric ulcer or gastritis.