Katsumadai Seed (Caodoukou)

Katsumadai Seed (Caodoukou)

Pharmaceutical Name: Semen Alpiniae katsumadai
Botanical Name: Alpinia katsumadai Hayata
Common Name:Katsumadai seed
Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The yellow fruit is gathered in summer or autumn and dried in the sun. The seeds are smashed after the flesh has been peeled off.
Properties and Taste: Pungent and warm
Meridian: Spleen and stomach
Functions: To dry dampness and warm the spleen and stomach
To promote qi circulation
Indications and Combinations: Cold-damp blocking and stagnating spleen and stomach manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension and fullness, cold pain, vomiting and diarrhea. 

*In cases of excessive dampness, use with magnolia bark (Houpo), Atractylodes rhizome (Cangzhu) and Pinellia tuber (Banxia).

*In cases of excessive cold, use with Cinnamon bark (Rougui) and Dried ginger (Ganjiang).
Dosage: 3-6 g