Tamarisk Tops (Chengliu)

Tamarisk Tops (Chengliu)

Pharmaceutical Name: Cacumen Tamaricis
Botanical Name: Tamarix chinensis Lour.
Common Name:Tamarisk Tops
Source of Earliest Record: Kaibao Bencao
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The leaves are gathered in May and June when the plant flowers, dried in the sun and cut into pieces.
Properties and Taste: Pungent and neutral
Meridian: Lung, stomach and heart
Functions: To promote sweating and bring the rash to the surface
Indications and Combinations: Early stage of measles due to attack of wind and cold manifested as measles without a rash. 
*Use with Arctium fruit (Niubangzi) and Cicaca slough (Chantui) in the formula Zhuye Liu Bang Tang.
Dosage: 3-10 g
Cautions: This herb is contraindicated in measles with a rash. A large dosage can cause restlessness.