White Atractylodes (Baizhu)

White Atractylodes (Baizhu)

Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae
Botanical Name: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.
Common Name:White Atractylodes Rhizome
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The rhizomes are dug in October, cleaned and dried in the sun or baked. They are then soaked in water and cut into slices.
Properties and Taste: Bitter, sweet and warm
Meridian: Spleen and stomach
Functions: To replenish Qi and strengthen the spleen
To resolve dampness and promote water metabolism
To stop sweating and calm the fetus
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Weakness of the spleen in transportation and transformation of water manifested as poor appetite, loose stool, lassitude and epigastric and abdominal distension and fullness.
*Use with Ginseng (Renshen) and Poria (Fuling) in the formula Sijunzi Tang.

2. Deficiency and cold in the spleen and stomach manifested as cold sensation and pain in the epigastric and abdominal regions, diarrhea and vomiting.
*Use with Dried ginger (Ganjiang) and Ginseng (Renshen) in the formula Lizhong Wan.

3.   Qi stagnation due to weakness of the spleen and stomach manifested as epigastric and abdominal fullness.
*Use with Immature bitter orange (Zhishi) in the formula Zhi Zhu Wan.

4.     Internal accumulation of water and dampness due to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach accompanied by edema or phlegm-fluid syndrome:

a) For edema and ascites.
*Use with Areca nut shell (Dafupi) and Poria (Fuling).

b) For phlegm-damp syndrome manifested as palpitation, asthma, cough with excessive sputum and stifling sensation in the chest.
*Use with Cinnamon twigs (Guizhi) and Poria (Fuling ) in the formula Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang.

5.      Spontaneous sweating due to Qi deficiency.
*Use with Astragalus root (Huangqi) and Ledebouriella (Fangfeng) in the formula Yupingfeng San.

.     Restlessness of fetus due to weakness of Qi of the spleen during pregnancy:

a) If accompanying manifestations include vaginal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen.
*Use with Ginseng (Renshen) and Poria (Fuling).

b) If accompanying manifestations include dizziness, vertigo and palpitations.
*Use with Prepared rehmannia root (Shudihuang), Chinese angelica root (Danggui), White peony root (Baishao) and Donkey hide gelatin (Ejiao).

c) If accompanying manifestations include soreness and pain of the lumbar region due to deficiency of the kidneys.
*Use with Eucommia bark (Duzhong), Teasel root (Xuduan) and Mulberry mistletoe (Sangjisheng).

d) If accompanying manifestations include distention and fullness in the chest and abdominal region due to Qi stagnation.
*Use with Perilla stem (Sugeng) and Amomum fruit (Sharen).

e) If accompanying manifestations include red tongue proper with yellow coating and rapid pulse due to internal heat.
*Use with Scutellaria root (Huangqin).
Dosage: 5-15 g
Cautions: The raw herb is used for resolving dampness and promoting water metabolism. The fried herb is used for replenishing qi and strengthening the spleen. The carbonized herb is used for tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea. It is contraindicated in cases with thirst accompanied by exhaustion of body fluids.