Sandalwood (Tanxiang)

Sandalwood (Tanxiang)

Pharmaceutical Name: Lignum Santati albi
Botanical Name: Santatum album L.
Common Name:Santatum
Sandal wood
Source of Earliest Record: Mingyi Bielu
Part Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The heartwood of sandalwood is cut into slices in the summer.
Properties and Taste: ungent and warm
Meridian: Spleen, stomach, and lung
Functions: To regulate qi in the spleen and stomach
To dispel cold and stop pain
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Cold and qi stagnation manifested as epigastric and abdominal pain and vomiting with clear fluid.
*Use with Amomum fruit (Sharen) and Lindera root (Wuyao).

2.  Angina pectoris and coronary heart disease.
*Use with Corydalis tuber (Yanhusuo) and Asarum herb (Xixin) in the formula Kuanxiong Wan.
Dosage: 1-3 g