Ledebouriella Root (Fangfeng)

Ledebouriella Root (Fangfeng)

Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Ledebouriellae
Botanical Name: Ledebouriella divaricata (Turcz.) Hiroe
Common Name:Ledebouriella root, Siler Root
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The roots is dug in spring and autumn, dried in the sun, soaked in water and cut into pieces.
Properties and Taste: Pungent, sweet and warm
Meridian: Lung, liver, spleen, and urinary bladder
Functions: To release the exterior and expel wind
To expel wind-dampness and alleviate pain
To alleviate spasms.
Indications and Combinations: 1. Wind-cold exterior syndrome manifested as fever, chills, headache, and general pain.
*Use with Schizonepeta (Jingjie) and Notopterygium root (Qianghuo).

2. Wind-heat exterior syndrome manifested as fever, sore throat, red eyes, and headache.
*Use with Schizonepeta (Jingjie), Scutellaria root (Huangqin), Mentha (Bohe) and Forsythia fruit (Lianqiao).

3. Wind-cold-damp bi syndrome manifested as joint pain (arthritis) and spasms of the limbs.
*Use with Ledebouriella root (Fangfeng) is used with Notopterygium root (Qianghuo) and Chinese angelica root (Danggui).

4. Urticaria and itching of the skin.
*Use with Flavescent sophora root (Kushen) and Cicada slough (Chantui) in the formula Xiaofeng San.
Dosage: 3-10 g
Cautions: This herb should be used with caution for spasms sue to blood deficiency, and is contraindicated for cases of deficient yin with heat signs.