Dogwood Fruit (Shanzhuyu)

Dogwood Fruit (Shanzhuyu)

Pharmaceutical Name: Fructus Corni
Botanical Name: Cornus officinalis Sieb. Et Zucc.
Common Name:Cornus fruit
Dogwood fruit
Source of Earliest Record: Shennong Bencao Jing
art Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The ripe fruit is gathered from October to November. The fruit is then dried in the sun or baked again.
Properties and Taste: Sour and slightly warm
Meridian: Liver and kidney
Functions: To tonify the liver and kidneys
To astringe the essence
To stop sweating
Indications and Combinations: 1.     Deficiency of the liver and kidneys manifested as dizziness, blurred vision, soreness in the lower back, weakness of the legs, seminal emissions and impotence.
*Use with Prepared rehmannia root (Shudihuang), Dadder seed (Tusizi), Wolfberry fruit (Gouqizi) and Eucommia bark (Duzhong).

2.  Spontaneous sweating due to weakness of the body.
*Use with Ginseng (Renshen), Prepared aconite root (Fuzi) and Oyster shell (Muli).
Dosage: 5-10 g
Cautions: This herb is contraindicated in cases with damp-heat or dysuria.